Facebook post

23 posts by 12 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons
Last Post: July 7, 2015   (RSS)

Client's are asking me for a way to use cms builder to post to Facebook. They want to be able to post to thier site and have it also post to their Facebook page. 

Glenn Rauchut (Owner) Emergency Designz

Hi Glenn,

There's already a plugin for Twitter posts.http://www.interactivetools.com/add-ons/twitter-post/

It might be easy (for you or for IT consulting) to adapt it for Facebook

Just a thought...

Jerry Kornbluth

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By Deborah - January 22, 2015

You might check into RSS Graffiti, a Facebook app that allows the automatic posting of RSS feeds (as can be generated by CMSB) on your Facebook page.

I've not tried this myself, but it looks fairly straight-forward. If you try it out, please let us know how it works!

~ Deborah

By claire - January 23, 2015

The setup for Facebook is a little different because you have to create a specific app in Facebook for whatever site you're using to automatically post, but it's not so hard. If you'd like something built into CMSB similar to the Twitter post plugin, just let us know.


Claire Ryan

Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

By Mikey - March 5, 2015

Hey Claire,

1) I need a feature to allow posting to Facebook via CMS Builder. Can I get some kind of estimate to develop?

2) It would also be great to have a plugin that would allow me to check off a box next to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ within a blog or new multi-record, so that if the boxes for these social networks are checked - then upon saving the news or blog record, the title, content and any image uploaded are automatically posted to the social networks selected.

If you'd like to discuss in more detail - let me know.


By Dave - March 5, 2015

Hi Zick, 

We can absolutely build that, or any variation of that, for you.  Just fill out the form here https://www.interactivetools.com/hire-us/ or email consulting@interactivetools.com.

And you should also take a look around for existing options for automated posting to social platforms, rss to facebook, etc.  As there might be some pre-existing solutions that will also do what you need.  (We never suggest custom programming unless you need it and there's not existing easy solutions).

Hope that helps!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By JeffC - March 6, 2015

Hi Zick, hi Dave

Sorry to jump in on your thread but I would be interested in purchasing a plug in as Zick has described. I have used a few off-the-shelf solutions but one that integrated directly with CMSB with a simple checkbox would be much better.


By grauchut - March 6, 2015

I agree with Zick. Only thin I need it for at this time is facebook..

Glenn Rauchut (Owner) Emergency Designz

By grauchut - April 2, 2015


Were you able to get a plugin made? If so is it working ok? Thanks Glenn

Glenn Rauchut (Owner) Emergency Designz