Notice: CMSB v2.64 Beta 2 (Feb 4th, 2014)

24 posts by 6 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 17, 2015   (RSS)

By Dave - February 8, 2015

Hi Djulia, 

You can manually disable error logging by commenting this line out at the top of: /lib/errorlog_functions.php:

// enable error logging

And if you like, I can put a plugin hook around it for a future version so you can disable it with a plugin.

That said, it's designed to be used in production to help us catch errors that are triggered through live use.  It also logs a lot of debugging information such as the current user, form data, the symbol table, etc.  And in future we're going to add the option to have it email the developer/admin to warn of errors on the live site.  

It really shouldn't slow down your MySQL at all and even a couple dozen MySQL inserts shouldn't affect performance.  I'd be curious to know more.  Maybe we could add a safety feature to not write more than 10 errors at a single time.

And, of course,  if you'd like to keep using a different logging method that's totally fine as well!

Hope that helps.  Can you send me some details about what cause the server slowdown (or what was logged?) to  Thanks!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Djulia - February 9, 2015 - edited: February 9, 2015

Hi Dave,

>And if you like, I can put a plugin hook around it for a future version so you can disable it with a plugin.

Yes ! :)

>Maybe we could add a safety feature to not write more than 10 errors at a single time.

That can be a good solution with a loop which would not be coded correctly (infinite loop).

The slowdown occurred with variables which I had modified and which were used in a script which carried out a reading of the totality of the recordings (+3000).
Your proposal could in this situation limit the recordings in the errors log ?

Thanks again!


Notice: CMSB v2.64 Beta 2 (Feb 4th, 2015)

By gkornbluth - February 9, 2015 - edited: February 9, 2015

Hi Dave,

it's a rather small issue, but is there a way to address the viewport width of a record list so that it always fits the width of the browser?

I'm using Firefox (PC), and have always found (up to 2.63) that if I have a number of ListPage fields that display as columns in a record list, I have to scroll to the modify/erase for each record.

Same in IE, Safari and Chrome.

If it can't make it into this release, is there a hack that can be applied?


Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

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Notice: CMSB v2.64 Beta 2 (Feb 4th, 2014)

By Deborah - February 9, 2015

Hi, Dave.

First of all, Universal Error Logging - LOVE it!

One feature I'm having trouble with is renaming the admin.php file, as suggested in the security settings.

After the admin.php is renamed, when I use the code generator for the Detail Page, Single Record sections, I see the following error page. It also trips ModSecurity on my server.

"Forbidden. You don't have permission to access /cmsdomain/admincustom.php on this server..."

The page URL looks okay to me:

If I accidentally choose the wrong viewer type in the code generator, I also see the error then. I have no plugins installed.

I'm wondering if anyone else experiences the same, or if it's just my server security kicking in.

~ Deborah

Notice: CMSB v2.64 Beta 2 (Feb 4th, 2015)

By Dave - February 12, 2015

Perch & Jerry, 

So you'd like it so that on the CMSB record list page the columns had a horizontal scroll bar if they were too wide?  But the actions columns were always visible?  

I'm not sure quite how that could work, can you let me know if you have seen an example anywhere else that works the way you want? 

Redesigning the UI is a top priority so that might be a good time for us to revisit that.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Notice: CMSB v2.64 Beta 2 (Feb 4th, 2014)

By Dave - February 12, 2015

Hi Deborah, 

My (first) guess is that the code in the URL/Page would always trigger an error with the mod_security settings on your server, and maybe your host previously whitelisted "admin.php"?  Because the error doesn't occur when the file is named admin.php, right?

In any case, renaming the admin.php isn't required, so you can skip that step if it's causing problems on your server.  And feel free to email me steps to reproduce if you'd like me to take a look, we've been working on adjusting our config files to better support/work-around/disable some of the mod-security extensions that are too sensitive or cause problems.  My email is (email, don't post login details to the forum).


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - February 12, 2015


I'll have a new beta out shortly with a max errors logged per page of 25.  On my development machine 25 mysql inserts takes less than 0.3 seconds.  

Could you give the new beta a try and see if you CAN get it to crash your MySQL server or even slow things down? I think this will resolve the issue.

Here's some sample code I wrote for our test plans:

require_once "lib/viewer_functions.php";
header("Content-type: text/plain");
$max = 1000;
foreach (range(1,$max) as $num) {
trigger_error("Simulating infinite loop ($num of $max)", E_USER_WARNING);
print "\n\n" .showExecuteSeconds(true). " seconds\n";


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Notice: CMSB v2.64 Beta 2 (Feb 4th, 2015)

By gkornbluth - February 12, 2015

Hi Dave,

Just my two cents, I'd be happy if the page always scaled to the viewport as the default. In my situations (desktop, 26", 1920 monitor) the action column is never off by that much, just enough to require scrolling to see and use it (and maybe the last data column or two).

If you're really into redesigning the UI, I'd love to see the ability to stack fields horizontally, so we can make the UI a bit more intuitive for us and our clients.

For example, fields like city, state and zip would be cool to put next to each other, as would short number fields for things like max columns max images, days for grace periods, images to show, etc.

I'm sure that you can think of a scad of other things that don't necessarily benefit from being horizontally challenged.

I'd also love to see the ability to hide of groups of fields an easy, built in function. somewhat like the menu groups.

Many times there are lots of optional fields in between some mandatory ones, and that would help us clean up our acts.

If I think of any more, I'll let you know.

Maybe some of the folks that came to CMSB after using other platforms could weigh in as well.


Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at:

Notice: CMSB v2.64 Beta 2 (Feb 4th, 2015)

By Perchpole - February 12, 2015

Hi, Dave -

I don't think I'd much like the scrolling window!

However I'm with Jerry with regard to the improvements to the UI.  The layout is a bit too regimented. That's one of the reasons why I've started to do all my interactions through the front-end. It allows me to design the (form) layout however I want to suit each editor.

