Instant website title

By Damon - March 11, 2015

Hi Kjell,

Yes, you can replace the text logo with an image by editing the index.php template. Open it up and find this code starting on line 43:

<!-- begin Logo -->
        <div id="logo">
            <?php if ($website_config['logo_icon']): ?><img src="common/img/<?php echo $website_config['website_style'] ?>/<?php echo $website_config['website_style'] ?>-star-<?php echo $website_config['logo_bg'] ?>.gif" class="logoImg" alt=""/><?php endif ?>
            <?php echo htmlspecialchars($website_config['website_name']) ?>
<!-- end logo -->

Remove the code inside the <div id="logo"> and replace with your logo image. 


<div id="logo">
 <img src="img/logo.png"  alt="site name"/>

The last step would be to remove the fields no longer used in CMS Builder:
- Logo Icon    - Show icon (star) before logo text
- Logo Background

Hope this helps!

Damon Edis -

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