swiftmailer / ssl connection / self-signed certificates

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 22, 2015   (RSS)

By Dave - September 18, 2015

Hi Karlz, 

Thanks, I've been working on this and I've got a version working locally with SwiftMailer 5.4.1.

If you can send me FTP & CMS login details to dave@interactivetools.com (don't post login details to the forum) I can install it on your server so you can see if it resolves the issue.

Let me know if that works for you.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Dave,

I sent you an email.


Hi Dave,

Thank you for the SwiftMailer upgrade files and change instructions.

I finished the SSL implementation on the server and updated the mailer.

Everything works now OK with PHP 5.6 and SMTP with SSL through SwithMailer 5.4.1.


By Dave - September 22, 2015

Thanks Karls, 

We'll include this version in the next release of CMSB.  And for anyone else who wants to apply it sooner, here's the instructions:

I've attached a zip of /3rdParty/SwiftMailer5/ folder, unzip it to /3rdParty/ 

Then in /lib/common.php search for: /Swift

And change this:

to this:

If you have any problems, just remove the 5 and it will use the old folder.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

SwiftMailer5.zip 212K