createPDF and send file as attachement

By Dave - September 30, 2015

Hi Karls, 

Here's some sample code from: Admin > Plugins > Create PDF > Example Code

// From /plugins/createPDF/examples/html_as_inline.php "HTML variable as inline PDF"
$html = '<h1>HTML As Inline</h1>';
$data = createPDF_fromHTML($html);
createPDF_display('inline', $data, 'example.pdf');

You can use this to get the PDF content in $data and then email that.  Here's an example:

// Send as email
$errors = sendMessage(array(
  'from'    => "",
  'to'      => "",
  'subject' => "Email with attached PDF",
  'text'    => "Here's the PDF attachment!\n",
  'attachments' => array(
    'sample.pdf'  => createPDF_fromHTML('<h1>HTML As Inline</h1>')
if ($errors) { die($errors); }

Let me know if that works for you!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Dave,

Can you send me a quick hint how can i set the destination/source folders on each script please?

Thank you in advance,

By Dave - September 30, 2015

Hi Karls, 

That code example doesn't require any files.  The file data is just stored in memory until it's sent and the email recipient can choose where to save the attachment.

But you can create files like this:

file_put_contents('hello.txt', 'Hello World'); 

And read them in like this:

$data = file_get_contents('hello.txt'); 

What are you trying to do specifically?

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By ht1080z - September 30, 2015 - edited: September 30, 2015

Hi Dave,

1. Originally I wanted to store the created PDF file permanently in a selected folder on my server,
2. i need to use an email template on the email,
3. and the attachment has a custom filename.

I created this with your hints:

$GLOBALS['CREATEPDF_CUSTOM_SWITCHES'] = '--disable-smart-shrinking --margin-left 5 --margin-right 5'; 

$url  = "".$sampleVar['orderId'];
$fileName = $sampleVar['orderId']).".pdf";
$data = createPDF_fromUrl($url);
file_put_contents('../invoices/'.$fileName, $data);

$defaultLang = strtoupper($CURRENT_USER['uilang']);
$tempName     = 'MEMBER-SEND-INVOICE-'.$defaultLang;
$emailHeaders = emailTemplate_loadFromDB(array(
    'template_id'  => $tempName,
    'placeholders' => array(
        ''      => $CURRENT_USER['email'],
        ''       => $CURRENT_USER['nickname'],
    'attachments' => array(
        $fileName         => $data
$mailErrors = sendMessage($emailHeaders);
if ($mailErrors) { alert("Mail Error: $mailErrors"); }

For some reason the CREATEPDF_CUSTOM_SWITCHES are ignored and i cannot change the margins. (i use the latest version pdfcreate)

Items in the Outgoing Mail folder not store attachments, right?

Please make a note on the above if you have any.

Thank you,

By Dave - October 2, 2015

Hi Karls, 

You can try adding the help switch to ensure the switches are getting to CreatePDF: 

$GLOBALS['CREATEPDF_CUSTOM_SWITCHES'] = '--disable-smart-shrinking --margin-left 5 --margin-right 5  --extended-help';  

That should cause all the help out to be displayed.  If it's not, the switches aren't reaching Wkhtmltopdf, if it is displayed then you'll have to experiment more.  I'd try --margin-left 50 or 500 and see if that's visible.

And, no, outgoing mail doesn't store attachments (to prevent using too much disk space).

Dave Edis - Senior Developer