Category menu?

8 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 19, 2015   (RSS)

By Toledoh - October 7, 2015

Hi Guys,  

I've got a category section that I'm trying to get to produce

<ul id="sidenavigation">
  <li><a data-toggle="collapse" href="#child" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="child">Link</a>
    <ul id="child" class="collapse">
      <li><a href="">Child</a>
      <li><a href="">Child</a>
      <li><a href="">Child</a>
  <li><a href="">Link</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Link</a></li>

I'm using:

// load STUCTURE
list($categories, $selectedCategory) = getCategories(array(
'tableName' => 'structure',
'categoryFormat' => 'twolevel',
'rootCategoryNum' => '1',
'ulAttributesCallback' => 'customMenuUlAttr', // ADVANCED: custom function to return ul attributes, eg: myUlAttr($category);
'liAttributesCallback' => 'customMenuLiAttr', // ADVANCED: custom function to return li attributes, eg: myLiAttr($category);

function customMenuUlAttr($category) {
return ($category['_hasParent'] && $category['depth'] == '1')? " id=\"child\" class=\"collapse\"" : "" ;

function customMenuLiAttr($category) {
return ($category['_hasChild'] && $category['depth'] == '0')? 'data-toggle="collapse" href="#child"': "" ;


<ul id="sidenavigation">
<?php foreach ($categories as $categoryRecord): ?>
<?php echo $categoryRecord['_listItemStart'] ?>

<?php if ($categoryRecord['_hasChild']): ?>
<a><?php echo $categoryRecord['name'] ?></a>
<?php else: ?>
<a href="<?php echo $categoryRecord['_link'] ?>"><?php echo $categoryRecord['name'] ?></a>
<?php endif ?>

<?php echo $categoryRecord['_listItemEnd'] ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

It's close, but not right.  It's returning the data-toggle="collapse" href="#child" to the LI rather than the A

I also need to somehow get the #child to use the record number of the parent like #child<?php echo $categoryRecord['name'] ?> so if there's multiple accordions they are recognised independently.

Example is here:


Tim (

By gregThomas - October 12, 2015 - edited: October 13, 2015

Hey Tim,

If you're looking to add #child to the href of the items with children, something like this should work:-

// load STUCTURE
list($categories, $selectedCategory) = getCategories(array(
'tableName' => 'structure',
'categoryFormat' => 'twolevel',
'rootCategoryNum' => '1',
'ulAttributesCallback' => 'customMenuUlAttr', // ADVANCED: custom function to return ul attributes, eg: myUlAttr($category);
//'liAttributesCallback' => 'customMenuLiAttr', // ADVANCED: custom function to return li attributes, eg: myLiAttr($category);

function customMenuUlAttr($category) {
return ($category['_hasParent'] && $category['depth'] == '1')? " id=\"child\" class=\"collapse\"" : "" ;

function customMenuLiAttr($category) {
return ($category['_hasChild'] && $category['depth'] == '0')? 'data-toggle="collapse" href="#child"': "" ;

  <ul id="sidenavigation">
    <?php foreach ($categories as $categoryRecord): ?>
      <?php echo $categoryRecord['_listItemStart'] ?>

      <!-- if we're dealing with 
      <?php if ($categoryRecord['_hasChild']): ?>
        <?php $parentNum = $categoryRecord['num']; ?>
        <a><?php echo $categoryRecord['name'] ?></a>
      <?php else: ?>
        <a href="#child<?php echo @$parentNum; ?>"><?php echo $categoryRecord['name'] ?></a>
      <?php endif ?>

      <?php echo $categoryRecord['_listItemEnd'] ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

This is example code, so you might have to make a few changes to get it working. So if the item has a child, we get its num value, and set it to $parentNum. Then if the items is child item, we set the href as #child with the parentNum value as the link.

Let me know if you have any questions. 



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

By Toledoh - October 12, 2015

Hey Greg,

That's certainly closer, but I need to edit the ul tag created for the children, by applying the parents #ID and the class.  Would it be some additional 'ulAttributesCallback' but only applied if it has a parent?

<ul id="sidenavigation">
  <li><a data-toggle="collapse" href="#child" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="child">Link</a>
    <ul id="child" class="collapse">
      <li><a href="">Child</a>
      <li><a href="">Child</a>
      <li><a href="">Child</a>
  <li><a href="">Link</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Link</a></li>


Tim (

By Toledoh - October 13, 2015

Thanks Greg - but I'm getting an error: Notice: Undefined index: PARENT_NUM in /home/mcmahonclarkecom/public_html/structure.php on line 31 which relates to 

return ($category['_hasParent'] && $category['depth'] == '1')? " id=\"child{$GLOBALS['PARENT_NUM']}\" class=\"collapse\"" : "" ;


Tim (

Hey Tim,

I'm not sure what's causing this, please could you fill out a second level support request:

Then I can add some debugging code to work out what the issue could be. 



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

Hey Tim,

Here is the final code to make a menu using bootstrap collapse ( :-

// load STUCTURE
list($categories, $selectedCategory) = getCategories(array(
  'tableName'            => 'structure',
  'categoryFormat'       => 'twolevel',
  'rootCategoryNum'      => '1',
  'ulAttributesCallback' => 'customMenuUlAttr', // ADVANCED: custom function to return ul attributes, eg: myUlAttr($category);
  //'liAttributesCallback' => 'customMenuLiAttr', // ADVANCED: custom function to return li attributes, eg: myLiAttr($category);

  function customMenuUlAttr($category) {
    global $GLOBALS;

    return ($category['_hasParent'] && $category['depth'] == '1')? " id=\"child{$category['parentNum']}\" class=\"collapse\"" : "" ;

So first we add the parent id and class to the UL tag  if we're dealing with a child item on the second level.

      <ul id="sidenavigation">
        <?php foreach ($categories as $categoryRecord): ?>
          <?php echo $categoryRecord['_listItemStart'] ?>

          <?php if ($categoryRecord['_hasChild']): ?>
            <a aria-expanded="false" data-toggle="collapse" href="#child<?php echo @$categoryRecord['num']; ?>" ><?php echo $categoryRecord['name'] ?></a>
          <?php else: ?>
            <a href="<?php echo $categoryRecord['_link']; ?>" ><?php echo $categoryRecord['name'] ?></a>
          <?php endif ?>

          <?php echo $categoryRecord['_listItemEnd'] ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>

The above code checks if we're dealing with a parent item that has a child, and if it does adds the appropriate classes to make the link a menu collapse type.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

By Toledoh - October 19, 2015

Great!  Thanks for the effort Greg!


Tim (