CMSB vs WordPress: Post your feedback!

20 posts by 14 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 26, 2016   (RSS)

By Dave - July 15, 2016

Thanks for the feedback, guys.  We really appreciate it!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Codee - July 26, 2016

Security.  If for no other logical and sensible reason ~ this should be why. 

A question I get all the time from clients is, if something goes wrong and we part and go a different direction how will I find a developer that can help me? Clients often feel worried if they are going down a path they haven't heard of before. My response is typically that any competent PHP developer will have no problem working with CMS builder. Wheras most "wordpress developers" are hardly competent PHP developers.

By Dave - July 29, 2016

Great feedback!  Thanks for posting!  

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By zaba - October 18, 2016

One of my fears about adding/plugins is one of the reasons why wordpress fails and that is security. People using wordpress tend to buy or add-on a bunch of plugins which can be badly written or unmaintained and there's no checks, anyone can write a plugin and distribute it. IF cmsb wants to encourage more add ons from outside sources then I think its a good idea for proper vetting and maintenance on the part of cmsb to ensure systems aren't compromised and the add ons are of good standard, they should be managed and bumped off if they are no longer compatible with the latest release. A bit like apples app store, where cmsb takes a cut to ensure quality of add ons.

The great thing about CMSB is that whatever project requirements I come up against, I have always been able to achieve them, and I don't consider myself a fully fledged developer. My focus is mainly front end, but cmsb allows me to do some really cool and seemingly advanced projects that I can design build and maintain myself. not relying on other peoples templates and plugins or hiring back end coders. It's worth every penny. My clients love it because what they see in the cms back end is just what they need for their particular site. Wordpress is still a blog thats been crowbarred into a cms system. In my opinion its just not fit for purpose.

Hello, All -

I must confess that I am at a bit of a crossroads. I've been a massive CMSB supporter for years and have over 20 licenses. I never really rated WordPress. Five, six years ago it was just a convenient tool for bloggers. Now, however, it seems to be coming of age.

At the same time, my clients are starting to ask (specifically) if their new site will be WordPress. I have to politely explain that I can provide something far more bespoke and special (with CMSB). Unfortunately, the question keeps coming back, "Why not Wordpress?" As time goes by, it's getting harder and harder to provide those clients with a suitable answer.

When I first discovered CMSB, on the day it was launched, I knew very little about PHP. Working with the programme has been a joy because it has taught me so much. The downside is that as my knowledge and understanding has improved, so my expectations have increased. When I look back at my CMSB journey there's no doubt I have come a very long way. The trouble is, I'm not sure CMSB is keeping up.

I've had to spend a lot of money - not just on programming but buying in 3rd party tools such as CKFinder. The license for this is very expensive but it gives my users far better flexibility when it comes to uploading and adding media. This is one area - in particular - where CMSB is lagging behind the field.

CMSB is tight and it's robust. It's developed and supported by the nicest bunch of people you could hope to have on your team. The trouble is, I have got to the point where I am spending more time making CMSB do what I want than developing web sites - and that's not good!

With WordPress, however, I'm finding things are different. Instead of working to make things work my focus has started to shift back towards the creative side of my job. It's a lot less stressful! What's more, so long as I am prepared to spend a bit of money, I can achieve pretty much everything I want simply by buying one of the thousands of plugins. Investing in a framework is also money well-spent.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not abandoning CMSB in any way. I have too much time and money invested in it. However, after such a long journey, it is good to do something fresh - which is why my next couple of sites will be WordPress. It isn't perfect for everything - but neither is CMSB. Knowing and understanding the relative strengths and weaknesses of both aps is what allows me to take my business forward.



By moh3 - December 25, 2016

Hello, i would like to add my needs in hope CMS builder team will address them, as it is truely a very powerful software:

1- Please add a proper guide on creating plugins, how to extend the core of the software to create advanced plugins or backends.

2- Many of the software power is hidden in the backoffice and functions in code, please provide a guide on how to utlize the Admin UI API

to create a custom backend pages for example to integrate 3rd party software within the CMS

3- Themes / Layouts : A super added feature to use a layout editor to shape your content in drag and drop way the way manay WP drag and drop

page builders have been around for a while now

4- Your plugins are a bit expensive membership, newsletter

Guys you got it almost right, but please address what people have asked for, like documentation.


By Dave - December 26, 2016

Hi Perch, 

Thanks for your feedback!  

We want you to choose CMSB based on the value it provides, not just loyalty to the product, so if there are some sites that make more sense (or margin) for you to build with Wordpress, then that would make sense to do that.  And please feel free to post again (or email me) once you've built a couple of those sites and let me know what works well, and what didn't, and what features you miss in WP from CMSB and vice versa. Thanks!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - December 26, 2016

moh3, thanks for the feedback!  Noted and much appreciated.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer