Creating a News section on my web page.

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 6, 2016   (RSS)

I have been using a CMS to create web pages for my site and adding PHP has been a breeze. Now, I am being asked to create a new home page from scratch and I am lost. I need to create a news section on the page a particular layout (see attached file). I have limited knowledgw of PHP , but I'm learning!



newssection1.jpg 59K

By ross - December 6, 2016

Hi there.

Thanks for posting.

The first step here won't actually require any CMS Builder or PHP.

What you want to start with is building an HTML version of your template. If you like, it can be a really basic HTML 1.0 version of the template. 

The idea here is to have an example of what all the content needs to be. That will give you a much better idea of what to setup in CMS Builder as well as where all the required PHP will need to go.

Does that make sense?  

Let me know when you have the template ready (feel free to attach a copy for me to review as well).


Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By tbernatonis - December 6, 2016 - edited: December 6, 2016

The content would just be the last three news entries. The image uploaded and the image caption entered. The latest entry large top the left and next two small to the right (like image). I'm not much of a programmer. I can edit easily enough but not create from scratch.