Old 3rd Party code

10 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 23, 2017   (RSS)

By kitsguru - January 1, 2017

After many upgrades over the years and with the change to the editor in 3.07 I notice several old folders around such as

swithmail and tinymce, now replaced with newer versions. 

Is it posible that the update process can either inform us of these obsolete files or better yet, automatically remove them?

Jeff Shields

By Dave - January 3, 2017

Hi Jeff, 

You bet, that's a great idea.  We need to be super careful about removing folders because there's always a chance that someone has made custom changes and we don't want to remove someone else's code.  Also, sometimes we wait a few versions to notify the user of old files in case they need to switch back for any reason.

If you have a look at the "Security Tips" section in the Admin here: admin.php?menu=admin&action=general#security-settings

It should list "some" files that can be removed.  You can find those in this file: cmsb/lib/menus/admin/general.php

By searching for: $oldFilesAndDirs 

Can you try adding any old paths there (or just let me know) and then I can add them to the next release.

Hope that helps!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - January 3, 2017

Also note, I just added these ones:  

$oldFilesAndDirs[] = '/3rdParty/SwiftMailer';
$oldFilesAndDirs[] = '/3rdParty/SimplaAdmin';
$oldFilesAndDirs[] = '/3rdParty/tiny_mce';

Let me know if you'd like any others added.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By ross - January 20, 2017

Hi Jeff

The current jquery folder (\3rdParty\jquery\) only has two files:


You should be able to remove anything else. 

To be on the safe side though, just rename the file to:


Then leave it for a week. If you don't see any errors, feel free to delete the file.

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Hi Ross,

I was replying to David's message about other old folders to be added to the old files list.

Jeff Shields

By ross - January 20, 2017

Hi Jeff

Got it. Thanks :)

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.
Template changes, advanced features, full integration, whatever you
need. Whether you need one hour or fifty, get it done fast with
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By Dave - January 20, 2017

Jeff, what's the filepath to the old jquery file? 

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

3rdParty/jquery - contains 1.4 version

Jeff Shields

By Dave - January 23, 2017

Thanks, looks like that one is still referenced by a few plugins so we'll need to keep it around a bit longer.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer