User Plugin

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 24, 2017   (RSS)

By nmsinc - January 23, 2017

I have a plugin that I need some help with. The object of the plugin is to give only users access to the file based on specific criteria within the file. If the criteria is not met, the request dies. Please see code below - I'm sure I missed something here!

Thanks - nmsinc



Plugin Name: Access Control For Claim Submissions

Description: Checks to see if current user has access to current claim submission record.

Author: RBH

Version: 1.0


addFilter('record_preedit','accessControlForClaimSubmission', null,3);

function accessControlForClaimSubmission( $tableName, $action, $record ){



if($tableName !='claims_submission'){return; }// only run on claims_submission table

if($action !='edit'){return; }// only run on edit

if($CURRENT_USER['member_company_accounts']== $record['member_company']

|| $CURRENT_USER['member_company_accounts']== $record['independent_company_name']

|| $CURRENT_USER['assigned_to']== $record['member_company']

|| $CURRENT_USER['assigned_to']== $record['independent_company_name']

|| $CURRENT_USER['isAdmin'])

{return; }



print "<br/>";

print ("ATTENTION ") ;

print $CURRENT_USER['fullname'];

die(" - You don't have ACCESS to this file!");





By nmsinc - January 24, 2017

Hi Ross,

The idea is to prevent users from entering a record number in the URL within the CMS to a record that does not belong to the user or the company that the user works for.

If a user attempts to do so the plugin should simply report  the access as not valid and die!

Nothing happens though. I'm not even sure that I have the correct hook - any help would be appreciated!

Thanks - - nmsinc


By ross - January 24, 2017

Hi there.

Got it. We'll need to move into consulting for this.

Could you email me via:

Please include your FTP details and link to log into CMS Builder.


Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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