TinyMCE4 custom configuration files for anyone to use

6 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 10, 2017   (RSS)

I use bootstrap in all my projects and have configured TinyMCE4 to handle my particular setup. I am including the wysiwyg custom files here for anyone who might want to use them or modify them as a starting point.

I have turned on several plugins:
imagetools - alls editing of the images (resizing, cropping etc)
visualblocks - allows you to see block elements

I have also setup HTML5 elements, added selected bootstrap classes for color, and a couple of my personal classes.

Jeff Shields

By ross - January 27, 2017

Hi Jeff

Thanks for posting these files.

Anyone who is using them, feel free to post any questions to this thread.


Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By ross - January 31, 2017

Hi Deborah.

We could look at integrating that plugin for you through consulting.

Send me an email via consulting@interactivetools.com if you'd like to pick up the conversation there.

Otherwise, let's see if anyone else in the community has some suggestions and/or experience.


Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.
Template changes, advanced features, full integration, whatever you
need. Whether you need one hour or fifty, get it done fast with
Priority Consulting: http://www.interactivetools.com/consulting/

It should be no problem at all. Put the plugin into 3rdParty/TinyMCE4/plugins folder.

Add tinymcespellchecker to plugin: in the wysiswyg_custom.php 

plugins: "contextmenu,table,fullscreen,paste,media,lists,advlist,charmap,textcolor,
link,anchor,hr,paste,image,code,imagetools visualblocks,searchreplace,tinymcespellchecke",

Jeff Shields

Many thanks for sharing this! It's a nearly perfect match for something I was about to do. You made my day.
