Problems using Insert/Edit image in Firefox CMSB 3.09

7 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 5, 2017   (RSS)

I'm trying to do my first site with 3.09.  When i try to use the Image icon and upload an image, I click on the upload button next to Image URL and a new window pops up with the same window


2017-06-29_14-45-55.png 55K

By Damon - June 29, 2017

Hi Gary,

From the screenshot, it looks like the WYSIWYG editor is displaying an older version.

Here some steps to take:

  1. Reupload the CMS Builder 3.09 files.
  2. Clear the cache in your browser.
  3. Add the advanced tab back into the new version of CMS Builder:

Let me know if these steps make the new insert image dialog box appear.


Damon Edis -

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

I figured out what was going on here...I was still using a TinyMCE 3 add-in.  Oops. 

Anyway, now that I have my settings setup for TinyMCE 4, I cannot get two VERY important things to occur...

1) I use custom font sizes:

    fontsize_formats: "8px,9px,10px,11px,12px,13px,14px,15px,16px,17px,18px,19px,20px,21px,22px,23px,24px,26px,30px,36px,0.2em,0.4em,0.6em,0.8em,1.0em,1.2em,1.4em,1.6em,1.8em,2.0em,2.4em,2.8em,3.0em",

The default font sizes of 8pt 10pt 12pt, etc. are just not good enough.  I've seen this work elsewhere on StackOverflow so I don't know why this is not working for me.  I've tried single quotes, double quotes, spaces in between, commas in between, all to no avail.  Any ideas would be welcomed.

2) I use a rather extensive set of external CSS that I'd like included in the editor - these are not showing up, so all of my styles are missing.

I usually just append my style sheet to the wysiwyg_custom.css so I end up with code that looks like this:

content_css: "/cmsAdmin/lib/wysiwyg_custom.css?1498662204,/design/custom/fonts.css?dt=1498769071,/design/custom/editor.css?dt=1498769071"

This has always worked in the past and I would get all of my custom styles in the styles dropdown.  I don't get any of my custom styles now.

Again, pointers would be appreciated.


One step closer - I found the importcss plugin - that imports the CSS from the included CSS just the fonts...

This looks like a bug in the docs or the implementation that cmsb is using.  I scoured the tinymce.min.js file and found that the setting name needs to be fontsizeFormats, not fontsize_formats - After setting fontsizeFormats to my long string, it took no problem.

So, at least for now, it looks like I'm over the hump on my issues with TM4.


By Dave - July 5, 2017

Thanks Gary, 

Nice catch, it looks like they fixed the fontsize_formats bug in a recent update: 

Version 4.6.1 - May 10, 2017
FIXED bug where fontsize_formats option had been renamed incorrectly.


I'll update tinymce for the next CMSB release.  In the meantime you could just list both for compatability: 

// fontsizeselect options - reference:
fontsize_formats: '8pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt',
fontsizeFormats:  '8pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt', // for tinymce < 4.6.1


Dave Edis - Senior Developer