Websites Comments v1.04 Error

By jenolan - October 3, 2017

Just playing with WSC when I add a comment it throws "wsc_emailTemplate_loadFromDB: No 'From' set by program or email template id 'ADMIN-COMMENT-ADDED'"



Peace and Long Life

By Deborah - October 4, 2017


I've not seen that error before, but I'm wondering if there is an 'Admin Email' address set in the CMS Builder General Settings.

~ Deborah

By jenolan - October 4, 2017

Admin email is set as I always receive messages when I login to cmsb.

All I am doing is using the test comments to try it out, finally fedup with wp and actually biting the bullet and swapping my site to the light.


Peace and Long Life

By leo - October 5, 2017

Hi Larry,

I tested the plugin around and found the error popup. It is caused by setting "ADMIN-COMMENT-ADDED" template "From" field empty. Could you check for me if yours is set?

You can check it at menu > Email Templates > modify "ADMIN-COMMENT-ADDED".


Leo - PHP Programmer (in training)

By jenolan - October 5, 2017

See attached image all seems ok I checked the stuff when Dave replied.



Peace and Long Life

tpl.png 272K

By Dave - October 5, 2017

Hi Larry, 

Can you email me CMS and FTP login details to and I'll debug it?  Note: Don't post login details to the forum.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By jenolan - October 5, 2017



Peace and Long Life

By Dave - October 6, 2017

Hi Larry, 

This issue was related to PHP 7.   I've patched the code on your server to work with PHP 7.  

Can you let me know if this works for you?  If so I'll release an update to the plugin.

Thanks for reporting this issue!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By jenolan - October 6, 2017

Thanks yes the emails arrive now ... I thought I was going potty.

I have a really curly question for you when I can work out how to explain it or re-work what I am trying to do.



Peace and Long Life