Drop Down Values

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 22, 2017   (RSS)

I am referencing and old thread:


I have it working.. however its showing the "num" instead of the value. any way around this?

heres my code:

SELECT num, CONCAT(item_num, " - ", style, " - ", frame_color, " - ", lens_color)
FROM `<?php echo $TABLE_PREFIX ?>sunglasses_products`

its showing like this: 104310503 - 30 - 17 - 4

number in green is correct.. the red are showing "num"

By Dave - November 21, 2017

Hi s2smedia, 

Where are the values for frame_color specified?  Are they from another table? 

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Yes they are.