Re: Making a bulk change to User Account Passwords

7 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 6, 2018   (RSS)

By csdesign - January 5, 2018

In response to: [url ""]Making a bulk change to User Account Passwords[/url], ...

Hi Ross, The CSV import worked great! I exported a sample user account to work from. I had to change the dates to DateTime format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss in Excel then exported to CSV for export. 

The only thing I can't figure out is how to set the user permissions.(screenshot attached)
Can that be done through a different table in the db? 

Thanks! Tina

By Damon - January 5, 2018

Hi Tina,

Take a look at this plugin that will make it easy to set user permissions:

Damon Edis -

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

By Dave - January 5, 2018

Hi csdesign, 

Yes, it's stored in a table called '_accessList', you can see it here: admin.php?menu=database&action=editTable&tableName=_accessList

You'd have to import into that table or use MySQL to insert/update the entries.

Hope that helps!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By csdesign - January 5, 2018

Thank you guys very much! I'll try out the plugin and if for some reason I need to, then I'll try it manually. Access List didn't come up on my list of Tables on the Import CMS plugin. 

By csdesign - January 5, 2018

Is it at all possible to split the non-administrators into two groups?  I believe I asked before about dividing users into two different User Account groups - and it wasn't possible. Not sure if the same situation applies to this plugin. 

For instance, Half of the group I need to give access to add/edit horses only, the other half I need to give access to add/edit mules only.  (screenshot attached). 

Thanks! Tina

By csdesign - January 6, 2018

Sounds good, thank you!  I will backup then hack away at it!! ;) 

I do have a radio button that defines each of them at the beginning of each user account (attached image). If I can use that, then that will work great because they are already defined there. 

Thanks again! Tina