Plugins - Create PDF - Test Failed! is using https

When running the "Test Server Requirements" it returns the following error.

Failed! Test downloading content from this serverDownloading content from url with: getPage('');
Resolve hostname '' to IP address: 12.345.678.910
Error: Received HTTP status code '301' (should be 200 or 302)! (view source, html)

The following shell commands may help you debug connection issues from your server:wget --spider -T2 -O- 2>&1curl --head -v -m2 2>&1

When I update the code from "http://" to "https://" in __createPDF_tests_download_remoteUrl the in the createPDF_pluginsMenu.php file all pass.

Basically we need https detection logic.


By Dave - April 27, 2018

Hi Brownleather, 

Is it working aside from that?  I think the issue is we're not detecting 301 as a valid return code but it is.  I can update the code for that with the next release.

Let me know, thanks!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - April 27, 2018

Ok, great.  Glad to hear your got it working!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

What approach would recommend using for generating a large PDF (say one thousand pages)?


By Dave - April 30, 2018

It's going to take a lot of memory, I'd recommend seeing if you could generate them individually and then merge them.  You might need to try a few additional command line binaries for that.  


Dave Edis - Senior Developer