"Your account has expired"


I am trying to set up the Website Membership plugin. I have created a "user-signup.php" file by copying the content of the "Create Account" on the "Code Generator" of the "Website Membership" plugin. When I call the "user-signup.php" file a form is presented where i fill the name, email and username and press the button. Then, an email arrives back and the password is provided. So far so good.

However, when I am using the username/password to login into the CMS then the following message appears: "Your account has expired". Indeed, when i get into the CMS as administrator then the new user has been added in the users table, but is still inactive as the neverExpires button is not checked. I have tried to solve the problem by adding the following sentence in the "user-signup.php" file:  <input type="hidden" name="neverExpires" value="1" />. Unfortunately, the situation remains the same. 

Any suggestion would be much appreciated.

Kind regards, 

Andreas Lazaris

Hi Andreas,

Did you create the line $colsToValues['neverExpires] = 1; in the $colsToValues = array(); section near the top of the page?

That's what actually sends the value to be inserted in the record.

I don't think you'll need the <input type="hidden" name="neverExpires" value="1" /> with the above.

but if you want to leave it in then the $colsToValues code would be:

$colsToValues['neverExpires] = $_REQUEST['neverExpires']; as it is in the // fields defined by form: section.

That takes the value of your input field and sends it to be inserted in the record

Hope that helps,

Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at: http://www.thecmsbcookbook.com/trial.php

Hello Jerry!!!

Many many thanks. It works now!!

This is great. 

Another quick question. Will this user be able to login to the Forum plugin as well at the same time?


By gkornbluth - January 21, 2019 - edited: January 21, 2019

Hi Andreas,

Not sure what you mean..


Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at: http://www.thecmsbcookbook.com/trial.php

Hi Jerry

I would like to add the Simple Forum 1.04 plugin to my website. This plugin requires the Website Membership Plugin. As I explained in the previous email I am using the Website Membership plugin to create accounts for the CMSB. My question is whether these accounts created for the CMSB with the Website Membership pluginwill be valid and for the Simple Forum 1.04 plugin?

Kind regards


By daniel - January 22, 2019

Hi Andreas,

Yes, the Simple Forum plugin uses the Website Membership plugin to manage its user login functionality, so any users created with Website Membership should be valid in Simple Forum.

Let me know if you have any further questions!


Technical Lead