PHP v 7

11 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 19, 2019   (RSS)

By gversion - October 2, 2018


I am trying to install CMSB on a server with PHP 7 but I am receiving this error:

This program requires the PHP 'mysql' extension.
Please ask your hosting provider (or server administrator) to install missing PHP extension(s).

How can I make the script use mysqli instead?

Thank you,


By daniel - October 2, 2018

Hi Greg,

What version of CMSB are you attempting to install? PHP 7 and mysqli support was added in v3.09.


Technical Lead

By gversion - October 2, 2018

Hi Daniel,

Ah, that explains it. I am trying to install v3.06.

I will upgrade...

Thank you,


PHP v 7 - requires MySQL

Hi Interactive Tools

I am getting the same error in upgrading from PHP 5.6 to PHP v7.0.

This program requires the PHP 'mysql' extension.
Please ask your hosting provider (or server administrator) to install missing PHP extension(s).

I am trying to upgrade to PHP 7 as that's the highest the host has, and have uploaded cmsbuilder_3_50_build2215_release (I've installed it's twice in case there was an upload error).  The host has indicated that "PHP-7.0 support MYSQLi extension only and that I need to do coding changes from MYSQL to MYSQLi."  

Can you please provide any guidance.



PHP v 7 - requires MySQL

By daniel - February 15, 2019

Hi Carole,

That's a curious issue, as that error was removed from CMSB version after v3.07. This makes me think that there's possibly an issue when upgrading to the latest version. I would first double check that the directory you're uploading the new version is correct and that it is overwriting the existing cmsb directory (you should be able to check the "latest modified" date/time on "/cmsb/lib/init.php" to verify that it is being overwritten).

Let me know if you're able to make any progress, or if you have any further questions!


Technical Lead

PHP v 7 - requires MySQL

Hi Daniel

The CMS is showing that the version has been upgraded to CMS Builder v3.50 (Build 2215) and I can access the backend.  However, the front end is requesting the MySQL when I swap it to PHP 7.0 at the host.  Here's the message from the itin.php file and the latest version has definitely been fully uploaded (twice now) but still the same message.  Exactly what should I be looking for/how to change it?


  ### CMS Constants Reference:
  // CMS_ASSETS_DIR         - filepath url of cms assets folder, also available as $GLOBALS['CMS_ASSETS_DIR'], eg: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/cmsb
  // CMS_ASSETS_URL         - url of cms assets folder, also available as $GLOBALS['CMS_ASSETS_URL'] and javascript as phpConstant('CMS_ASSETS_URL'), eg:
  // DATA_DIR               - The filepath of the cms data folder, eg: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/cmsb/data
  // IS_CMS_ADMIN           - if inside of cms admin, set in admin.php
  // MAX_DEMO_TIME          - Demo mode: When creating new demos, demos older than this are removed
  // PREFIX_URL             - development prefix added to urls, from $SETTINGS['webPrefixUrl'], eg: /~username or /development/client-name
  // REQUIRED_MYSQL_VERSION - Version of MySQL required by software (program dies if version isn't supported), set in init.php
  // REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION   - Version of PHP required by software (program dies if version isn't supported), set in init.php
  // SCRIPT_DIR             - The filepath of the cms script folder, eg: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/cmsb
  // SESSION_STARTED        - whether a session has started, set in startSessionIfRequired()
  // SETTINGS_DEV_FILENAME  - dev server settings file (auto-defined and used if it exists), eg:
  // SETTINGS_DEV_FILEPATH  - dev server settings path (auto-defined and used if it exists), eg: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/cmsb/data/
  // SETTINGS_FILENAME      - actual settings file (either settings.dat.php or dev filename), eg: settings.dat.php
  // SETTINGS_FILEPATH      - actual settings file (either settings.dat.php or dev filepath), eg: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/cmsb/data/settings.dat.php
  // START_SESSION          - whether to start a session, set in admin.php and plugins that require session access

PHP v 7 - requires MySQL

By daniel - February 18, 2019

Hi Carole,

Being able to log into the back-end but still get that error on the front-end is very odd indeed. I think it'd be fastest if I'm able to take a look at the files myself - can you fill out a 2nd level support ticket with your FTP info? 


Technical Lead

PHP v 7 - requires MySQL

Hi Carole,

Sorry I didn't make the connection before.

I don't know if this is a similar to the issue that I had when upgrading.

Might be worth a look.

Good luck,

Jerry Kornbluth

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PHP v 7 - requires MySQL

Hi Jerry

Thanks for your interest.  I reviewed your thread and triple checked that everything was uploaded (ie, nothing missed), yet it remains an issue.  I have sent a request to Level 2 support and look forward to the response as have quite a few other clients to swap over as well.

Thanks again
