Get Options from MySQL Advanced - Undefined index: listType Error

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 19, 2021   (RSS)

Hi there,

Getting Undefined index: listType errors on a list field that's using the mySQL advanced option to join two fields together:

SELECT num, CONCAT(name, ' - ',size)
FROM `<?php echo $TABLE_PREFIX ?>products`

The list gets output fine in the cms, but has errors at the end:

E_NOTICE: Undefined index: listType
/cms/lib/menus/default/edit_functions.php (line 766)

E_NOTICE: Undefined index: listType
/cms/lib/menus/default/edit_functions.php (line 761)

E_NOTICE: Undefined index: listType
/cms/lib/menus/default/edit_functions.php (line 757)

Size can sometimes be blank in case that helps.

Any tips to fix this? Thanks :)

Hi Michael,

Thanks for that, fixed the error from showing in the admin but still getting the following errors in the log (see attached also)

E_NOTICE: Undefined index: listType
/cms/lib/menus/default/edit_functions.php (line 767)

E_NOTICE: Undefined index: listType
/cms/lib/menus/default/edit_functions.php (line 762)

BTW, forgot to mention this is v3.54 (Build 2280)


// list fields w/ advanced filters - add onchange event handler to local filter field
  if (@$fieldSchema['filterField']) {
    $targetListField = $fieldSchema['name'];
    $filterSchema    = $GLOBALS['schema'][$fieldSchema['filterField']];
    // $sourceField     = ($filterSchema['listType'] == 'checkboxes' || $filterSchema['listType'] == 'pulldownMulti')? $filterSchema['name']."[]" : $filterSchema['name'] ;
    $sourceField = (!empty($filterSchema['listType']) && ($filterSchema['listType'] == 'checkboxes' || $filterSchema['listType'] == 'pulldownMulti'))? $filterSchema['name']."[]" : $filterSchema['name'] ;

    <script type="text/javascript"><!--
      $("[name='<?php echo $sourceField; ?>']").change(function () {
        <?php if($filterSchema['listType'] == 'pulldownMulti'): ?>
          newFilterValue = "\t";
          $.each($("[name='<?php echo $sourceField ?>']").select2('data'), function( key, selectedOption ) {
            newFilterValue = newFilterValue + + "\t" ;
        <?php elseif($filterSchema['listType'] == 'checkboxes') : ?>
          newFilterValue = "\t";
          $("[name='<?php echo $sourceField ?>']:checked").map(function(){
            newFilterValue = newFilterValue + $(this).val()+ "\t" ;
        <?php else: ?>
          var newFilterValue  = this.value;
        <?php endif; ?>

        var targetListField = '<?php echo $targetListField ?>';
        updateListFieldOptions(targetListField, newFilterValue);
    // --></script>

By Michael - October 19, 2021

It looks like 2 additional lines need to be updated.

Try changing the following line (around 762) from:

<?php if($filterSchema['listType'] == 'pulldownMulti'): ?>

to this:

<?php if(!empty($filterSchema['listType']) && $filterSchema['listType'] == 'pulldownMulti'): ?>

And this line (around 767) from:

<?php elseif($filterSchema['listType'] == 'checkboxes') : ?>

to this:

<?php elseif(!empty($filterSchema['listType']) && $filterSchema['listType'] == 'checkboxes') : ?>
Michael Sams

Awesome thanks! That did the trick :)

By Michael - October 19, 2021

Glad to hear that.  Thanks.

Michael Sams