List by month

5 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 11, 2021   (RSS)

By rez - October 28, 2021 - edited: October 28, 2021

I have 2 editors.

editor 1: dancer_schedule - show_date, dancers (checkbox list from editor 2)

editor 2: dancers - name, photo, content

In editor 1:

Show Date: calendar picker, you select month, day, year

Dancer Selection: checkbox list of 5 dancers,  coming from editor 2

Announcement: just a text field for any notes

I want the viewer to display on the page like this:


Thu, Nov 4th: Jen, Haley
Fri, Nov 5th: Haley, Jessica
Sat, Nov 6th: Jessica
Thu, Nov 11th: Rachel, Jen


Thu, Dec 2nd: Rachel, Jen
Fri, Dec 3rd: Haley
Sat, Dec 4th: Haley
Thu, Dec 9th: Jen, Jessica
Fri, Dec 10th: Jen

I can get a simple list to display easily but I don't know how to get them to display by month, under a month title like above.

list($dancer_scheduleRecords, $dancer_scheduleMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName' => 'dancer_schedule',
'loadUploads' => true,
'allowSearch' => false,
'where' => " show_date >= CURDATE() ",

list($dancersRecords, $dancersMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName' => 'dancers',
'loadUploads' => true,
'allowSearch' => false,

<?php foreach ($dancer_scheduleRecords as $record): ?>

<strong><?php echo date("D, M jS", strtotime($record['show_date'])) ?>: </strong>
<?php echo join(', ', $record['dancers:labels']); ?><br>

<?php endforeach ?>

By rez - October 28, 2021 - edited: October 28, 2021

Actually, by some miracle, I managed to get this working from a sort of related example here. I thought this would be more difficult and using arrays. I don't know how it holds up if I was to put a 2 year schedule or something (probably won't ever happen). Look ok? If this is an old way and you would use arrays or some other CMSB function I don't know about, feel free to show me a more powerful way. Thanks.

<?php $monthCheck = ""; ?>
<?php foreach ($dancer_scheduleRecords as $record):
$showMonth = false;
$theMonth = date("F", strtotime($record['show_date']));
if ($theMonth != $monthCheck) :
$monthCheck = $theMonth;
$showMonth = true;
	<?php if ($showMonth): ?>
		<strong><?php echo $theMonth; ?></strong><br />
	<?php endif ?>
	<strong><?php echo date("D, M jS", strtotime($record['show_date'])) ?>: </strong>
	<?php echo join(', ', $record['dancers:labels']); ?><br>
<?php endforeach ?>

Hi Rez,

Do a google search for MySQL group records by month and look into the Group By function

You may find some interesting ideas

Jerry Kornbluth

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By rez - October 30, 2021

Oh, thanks. I'll look into it.