CMSB v3.55 Released - November 10th, 2021
17 posts by 5 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 16, 2021 (RSS)
By Dave - November 10, 2021
Hello All!
We've just released v3.55 of CMS Builder, this version supports PHP 8, allows for automatically converting uploads to webp, and has a number of other minor improvements:
Here's the complete changelog:
*** November 10, 2021 - Version 3.55 (PHP 8 Support)
- This software version REQUIRES: PHP 7.3+ and MySQL 5.5+
- NOTE: Some plugins may need to be updated when upgrading from v2.xxNEW FEATURES
- PHP 8 Support: Updates to support PHP 8
- WebP Support: Added option to automatically convert uploads to webp format.
- Media Library: WYSIWYG media files can now be updated via media library (images must be the same size)
- Media Library: Added paging to media lists
- Media Library: Added multi-file uploader to the media libraryMINOR CHANGES
- Plugin System: Added hooks for: list_postListTable_innerBUG FIXES
- Fixed issue where MySQL timezone wasn't being correctly set
- Fixed issue where converting mysql localhost hostname to prevented connections on some servers
- Fixed where incorrect warning was displayed about version of MariaDB being too old
- Fixed issue where media library wouldn't if there was more than one image field on a page
- Fixed error when saving category records
- Misc Code and other minor improvements.
You can download the latest version here:
Please feel free to post any questions or comments.
By zaba - November 19, 2021
Is it possible to update all previously uploaded jpg files to webp in the cms automatically (if webp support is enabled in phpinfo)?
Is it possible to also have a media type file for PDF's. I have a use case where PDF files could be shared across tables and records for download.
For instance, a membership_application_form.pdf would be uploaded once and it is frequently updated. Ideally I would not want to update each location where the file is referenced as long as the name is the same. htaccess is set to prevent caching pdf's
<FilesMatch ".pdf$">
FileETag None
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header unset ETag
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
Header set Pragma "no-cache"
Header set Expires "Thu, 1 Jan 1970 05:00:00 GMT"
By zaba - December 7, 2021
(completely fresh install) CMS Builder v3.55 (Build 2297)
Hi I can upload WEBP and PDF but PNG or jpg jpeg format does not allow it.
I can not upload JPG OR PNG format I get the permission error.
This is urgent as I can not finish a project
By Michael - December 7, 2021
Can you post the error message you're receiving when trying to upload JPG/PNG files?
By zaba - December 7, 2021
You don't have permission to access this resource.
( do not get this with Webp, it uploads as normal)
By Michael - December 7, 2021
Does the error get logged in your CMSB Developer Log? If so, can you post the "Error Details"?
By zaba - December 7, 2021 - edited: December 7, 2021
#135 - UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION: Unable to set image format
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/cmsb/lib/image_functions.php (line 401)
ImagickException: Unable to set image format
at Imagick.setimageformat [image_functions.php:401]
... 7 more
By Michael - December 7, 2021
My initial guess would be that your installation of ImageMagick doesn't have WebP support enabled. This has come up a couple of times. Here is a thread detailing a fix. If those steps don't resolve the issue let me know.