TinyMCE questions
3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 13 (RSS)
The current version of TinyMCE installed in CMSB 3.71 is 4.9.11. I am wondering what plugins are included. I used to be able to check the plugin folder in third-party TinyMCE.
I am particularly interested in the textpattern plugin for pasting Markdown directly into the editor. If it is not included in the current downloaded version how do I add "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tinymce/4.9.11/plugins/textpattern/plugin.min.js"
Are there any plans to update to a more modern version of TinyMCE, either 6 or 7? The documentation for 4.x has been removed from their website, and 5 hit EOL in April 2023.
Hi Jeff,
By default TinyMce should load plugins from the same folder or source that it loaded that main tinymce script from.
So you can add textpattern to /lib/wysiwyg_custom.php (or equivalent):
plugins: "table,fullscreen,paste,media,lists,charmap,textcolor,link,anchor,hr,paste,image,code,codesample,textpattern",
And then it will automatically load it from https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/.
Or if you're using the Offline Mode plugin you can add the plugin URL to /plugins/offlineMode/offlineResourceList.txt and then click Admin > Plugins > Offline Mode > Update Offline Resources, and it will cache and use a local copy for you.
Hope that helps! Let me know any other questions.