Event Calendar - weekly view

94 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 13   (RSS)

By Djulia - November 13 - edited: November 13

What do the errors say in the Developer Log?

The error is because I'm not using the permalink but I don't want to keep having to edit the file at this stage, the event still disappears when I change the time

Can you provide the event in this format or with showme()? Thanks!

  'title' => 'Annual Conference',
  'start_date' => '2024-11-13 13:00:00',
  'end_date' => '2024-11-13 13:10:00',
  'permalink' => 'annual-conference',
  'description' => 'Annual conference on technological innovations.',
  'location' => 'Main Auditorium',
  'category' => 'conference'

Thank you, I can reproduce the issue. In the meantime, could you use this file? Thanks!


calendar_functions.php 32K

Have updated.

By Djulia - November 13 - edited: November 13

Sorry for the delay, I had to finish a task. Could you please try this version? Thanks!


calendar_functions.php 32K

Your a star! Thank you

One final request, do you know how I can tell the calendar to open in the Day view when on a mobile instead of the Week view?

By Djulia - November 20 - edited: November 20

Hi MercerDesign,

You can use user-agent analysis in the getCalendarParams() function :

 * Retrieves and validates calendar parameters from the GET request.
 * Defaults to the current month, year, week, and day if parameters are not set.
function getCalendarParams() {
    // Define default parameters
    $defaults = [
        'view'  => 'month',
        'year'  => date('Y'),
        'month' => date('m'),
        'week'  => date('W'),
        'day'   => date('d')

    // Retrieve GET parameter values, using default values if not set
    $view  = isset($_GET['view']) ? $_GET['view'] : null;
    $year  = isset($_GET['year']) ? intval($_GET['year']) : $defaults['year'];
    $month = isset($_GET['month']) ? intval($_GET['month']) : $defaults['month'];
    $week  = isset($_GET['week']) ? intval($_GET['week']) : $defaults['week'];
    $day   = isset($_GET['day']) ? intval($_GET['day']) : $defaults['day'];

    // List of allowed views
    $allowed_views = ['month', 'week', 'day', 'year'];

    // Device detection
    $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    if (is_null($view)) { // Only if the view is not specified in $_GET
        if (preg_match('/Mobile|Android|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|Windows Phone/i', $user_agent)) {
            $view = 'day'; // Default view for mobile
        } else {
            $view = 'week'; // Default view for desktop

    // Validate parameters
    $view = in_array($view, $allowed_views) ? $view : $defaults['view'];
    $year = ($year >= 1970 && $year <= date('Y') + 25) ? $year : $defaults['year'];
    $month = ($month >= 1 && $month <= 12) ? $month : $defaults['month'];
    $week = ($week >= 1 && $week <= 53) ? $week : $defaults['week'];
    $day = ($day >= 1 && $day <= 31) ? $day : $defaults['day'];

    // Return validated parameters as an array
    return [
        'view'  => $view,
        'year'  => $year,
        'month' => $month,
        'week'  => $week,
        'day'   => $day

However, if you're looking for a more accurate solution, the Mobile Detect library is commonly used to determine whether the user is accessing the site from a mobile device or a desktop.
