CMSB v3.75 Beta (DB Performance, Debug Footers, and ZenDB) ***Updated: Dec 6***

8 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 10   (RSS)

CMSB v3.75 Beta (DB Performance, Debug Footers, and ZenDB)

Hi, Dave.

I uploaded this beta over a v3.74 (release). I cannot access the login page and am seeing the error below. I uploaded twice and verified that the /vendor/composer/ directory files are all there.


PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "ComposerAutoloaderInit097176c782d72c531cf2be6669039213" not found in /home/tstbdgweb/public_html/cmsbbeta/vendor/autoload.php:25
Stack trace:
#0 /home/tstbdgweb/public_html/cmsbbeta/lib/init.php(96): require_once()
#1 /home/tstbdgweb/public_html/cmsbbeta/lib/init.php(45): Itools\Cmsb\setupAutoLoaderAndHelpers()
#2 /home/tstbdgweb/public_html/cmsbbeta/lib/init.php(27): Itools\Cmsb\init()
#3 /home/tstbdgweb/public_html/cmsbbeta/plugins/permalinks_1-12/permalinks/permalinks_dispatcher.php(12): include_once('/home/tstbdgweb...')
#4 {main}
thrown in /home/tstbdgweb/public_html/cmsbbeta/vendor/autoload.php on line 25


This is just a test site, but I wanted to report it in case it's not "just me".

"10X faster" is quite an achievement! I'm looking forward to that.


CMSB v3.75 Beta (DB Performance, Debug Footers, and ZenDB)

Hi Deborah, 

Thanks for the report!

Can you confirm that you're accessing the CMS directly and not through a Permalinks URL?  I see a reference to permalinks in the call stack.

But feel free to fill out a second-level support request here and I'll check it out, that's a interesting error:


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

CMSB v3.75 Beta (DB Performance, Debug Footers, and ZenDB)

Dave, I am using the standard admin.php login URL. I had Permalinks plugin active, but am not using it.

I removed the Permalinks plugin, removed it from the site's htaccess, and from the activePlugins list. Still seeing the CMSB "An unexpected error occurred".

There have been no additional written to the main PHP error log after the one I sent you, so that error may have happened only during installation.

I toggled phpHideErrors off in settings.dat.php. Now when I load the admin page, I see this: "MySQL Error(1170): BLOB/TEXT column 'mediaNum' used in key specification without a key length".

If this is only happening for me, then perhaps something's not right with my database. Too many tests?

~ Deborah


CMSB v3.75 Beta (DB Performance, Debug Footers, and ZenDB)

Hi All, 

We've released an updated beta with all reported bugs fixed here:


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

CMSB v3.75 Beta (DB Performance, Debug Footers, and ZenDB)

Hi All, 

We're working on another beta update and will post it shortly.  

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

CMSB v3.75 Beta (DB Performance, Debug Footers, and ZenDB)

Hi everyone,

Beta 5 is now available, and we're already testing it in-house. Feel free to try it out; we expect to release it early next week.

Notable changes include:

  • PHP Compatibility: We added polyfill functions supporting PHP 8.1–8.4, so you can use newer PHP functions regardless of your PHP version.
  • CMS Error Logging: Error logging now uses a dedicated MySQL connection and related code, reducing the chance of blocking transactions or altering the most recently reported MySQL error.
  • Error Log Timestamps: Error log timestamps now use a MySQL TIMESTAMP column instead of DATETIME. TIMESTAMP values are stored in UTC and displayed in the user’s local timezone, ensuring consistent universal timing regardless of regional settings.
  • Timezone Improvements: When selecting timezones, we now display your browser’s timezone offset and highlight related entries to help you find the correct region quickly.
  • PHP 8.4 Fixes: Several minor updates to improve compatibility with PHP 8.4.

If you have a moment, give beta 5 a spin and let us know what you think.

Thank you!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi All, 

Thanks everyone for your help testing!  You can download the latest release here:

Dave Edis - Senior Developer