Just moved from shared to vps and get similar issue to Re: Fatal error: Allowed memory

2 posts by 1 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 17   (RSS)

By Codee - December 17 - edited: December 21

This went to support directly. 

12212024 update: Basically what occurred was that this client may have only had 900 records in the database but each of those records had an average of 200 high-res photos...and 4 upload thumbnails of each. We moved from a heavy-horsepower shared hosting to vps entry level. So while the power and speed of the vps was essentially there, the resource usage of memory was over the top and thus that particular section would crash. By modifying the cmsb section to display 100 records at a time (instead of ALL) and also modifying the list .php page on the front end to only 100 at a time the situation immediately leveled out. Customer is happy and visitors, especially on mobile, are happy.  I want to thank Tim and Dave for jumping on this and squaring it away extremely fast. 

Thank you gentlemen!